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Batch Processing in COVISE

The Batch Processing function has been provided together with COVISE version 5.3.1., and this Appendix provides a short introduction to (actual a presentation of) this topic.

What does Batch Processing mean?





New user interface: the command-line

Language used: PYTHON

Advantages of Python:

Mapping of COVISE to PYTHON

Figure: Mapping of COVISE to PYTHON
Figure 7.1: Mapping of COVISE to PYTHON

Rule: Each module on the map-editor corresponds to an object in Python; the map itself translates to an object called net

How to begin?

Run Python-interface by typing: covise - script [filename]

[gromit|SNAP] ~ > covise -- script

* COVISE 5.4_a1 starting up, please be patient....            *
* Flexlm license of type STD_UI checked out...                *
*                                                             *
* Starting local request broker...                            *
* Starting user interface....                                 *
*  ******* COVISE PYTHON INTERFACE ********                   *
* ...done initialization                                      *


Note: Using the Python Interpreter provided by your Vendor

On some Linux distributions incompatibilities between existing libraries and the python interpreter included in covise may occur. In those cases using the python interpreter provided by your linux distributor can resolve the problem. Known are incompatibilities at SuSE 9 and Mandrake 9.0 systems.

In order to circumvent those problems do:

After entering covise -script you should receive the following output:

	* COVISE 5.3.2 starting up, please be patient....             *
	* Flexlm license of type STD_UI checked out...                *
	*                                                             *
	* Starting local request broker...                            *
	* Starting user interface....                                 *
	* using local python interpreter  /usr/bin/python
	*  ******* COVISE PYTHON INTERFACE ********                   *
	* ...done initialization                                      *


On some systems you might obtain a warning like:

RuntimeWarning: Python C API version mismatch for module _covise: This Python 
has API version 1012, module _covise has version 1011

In most cases you can ignore this warning but nevertheless it is recommended to check the proper functionality by converting an example COVISE map with the tool map_converter:

map\_converter -P -o converted.py $COVISEDIR/net/tutorial/channel.net

and run the resulting python-script in COVISE-python by typing the command

covise --script convertedNet.py

In case problems occur due to version incompatibilities of covise and the version of python provided by your linux-distributor please contact support@visenso.de.

Python syntax

Not COVISE related:

covise> a=3                        
covise> b=14
----- Assignment
covise> print a+b		
----- Output
covise> i=0
covise> for i in range(0,3):      
...     print i
----- Loop
covise> s="hello World"		
covise> print s
Hello World
----- String

Comprehensive tutorial:


covise> myNet=net()
----- Create a net object - implicit after opening the map-editor
covise> rin=RWCovise()
----- Create a RWCovise object
covise> myNet.add( rin )
----- Add module to the net - drag RWCovise module to the visual programming area (VPA)
covise> rin.showParams()		
  set_grid_path( x )
----- Utility function
covise> rin.showPorts()
covise> rin.set_grid_path("share/covise/example-data/COVISE/airbag.covise")
----- Set parameter
covise> render=Renderer()
----- Create Renderer module
covise> myNet.add( render )
----- Add Renderer to net - drag Renderer to the VPA
covise> myNet.connect(rin, "mesh", render, "RenderData")
----- Create connection between modules
covise> runMap()
----- Guess what- (-;

Mapping rules: COVISE - Python


covise> re=ReadEnsightNT()
covise> re.showParams()
  set_case_file( x )
  set_data for sdata1( x )
  set_data for sdata2( x )
  set_data for vdata1( x )
  set_data for vdata2( x )
  set_choose_parts( x )
  set_repair connectivity( x )

Due to technical reasons you MUST set a parameter after you have added the module to the network!

Details of the Python net() object:

myNet.add( module )
----- Add module to net
[ mynet.remove( module ) ]
----- Remove module from net
myNet.save( filename )
----- Save module into a COVISE net file
myNet.connect( module1, portName1, module2, prtName2 )
----- Connect two modules
----- Wait until all modules have finished their work !!

Details of the Python module objects:



Due to technical reasons you MUST set a parameter after you have added the module to the network!

One step forward - one step back

COVISE-net file to Python:

    map_converter -P -o myFile.py myFile.net

Example airbag.net:

#   converted with COVISE (C) map_converter
#   from /home/ralfm_te/covise_snap/net/examples/Airbag.net
# create global net
theNet = net()
# MODULE: RWCovise
RWCovise_1 = RWCovise()
theNet.add( RWCovise_1 )
# set parameter values
RWCovise_1.set_grid_path( "share/covise/example-data/COVISE/airbag.covise" )
# MODULE: Renderer
Renderer_1 = Renderer()
theNet.add( Renderer_1 )
theNet.connect( RWCovise_1, "mesh", Renderer_1, "RenderData" )
# uncomment the following line if you want your script to be executed after loading
# uncomment the following line if you want exit the COVISE-Python interface

COVISE-net file to Python: use the save( fileName ) method of the net() object


Authors: Martin Aumüller, Ruth Lang, Daniela Rainer, Jürgen Schulze-Döbold, Andreas Werner, Peter Wolf, Uwe Wössner
Copyright © 1993-2022 HLRS, 2004-2014 RRZK, 2005-2014 Visenso
COVISE Version 2021.12