How to produce the Parallel Programming Workshop ONLINE

  1. Develop the .ppt files:
    Location: RUS_4US: U:rus\parallel\rusrabe\folien:
  2. Record audio information on a DAT tape and record video on a video tape.
  3. Use the following microphone setup recording DAT to file:
    1. Open the Record Control window with following commands:
      • Start -> Einstellungen -> Systemsteuerung
      • Sounds and Multimedia
      • Audio -> Adioaufnahme -gt; Lautstärke
    2. Switch off all except the microphone port
    3. Click on Erweitert
      • Switch off the Mic Boost (+20db)
    4. Select recording level 2.5 or 3 on the scale from 0 to 7
  4. Use acoustica ( for recording and editing .wav files.
    (Mail form Dec 13, 2001, Acoustica - Order No. 468182)
  5. Split Details:
    1. $NR is the number of a presentation.
    2. iii is the 3-digits-number of a slide inside of a presentation.
    3. language is "ger" or "eng".
    4. File->Open... C:users\rusrabe\parallel_prog_fall2001_audio\from_tape_language/talks_[numbers_of_presentations].wav
    5. Zoom in, that about 7 minutes are visible: select zooming-lens and pull up a 7 minutes range at the beginning of the track.
    6. Go back into pointer-mode (left of zooming-lens)
    7. Open a new slide-track with File->NewRecording with
      Sampling rate: 22500 Hz / Channels: No stereo recording / Resolution: 16 bits per sample
    8. Window->Strip
    9. Copy the right amount of data from the presentation-track to the slide track with copy (cntr-C in the presentation-track) and paste (cntr-v in the slide-track) according to the video information.
      Caution: Do not switch from one slide to the next in the middle of a sentence.
    10. Each $NR_sldiii.wav should be corrected accourding the following rules:
      1. Remove gaps at the beginning and end of the slide
        (silent areas at the begin er end of the slide should not be longer than 0.1 sec)
      2. Reduce longer slient gaps inside of a sentence to about 0.1 sec (e.g. breathing, silent looking for next wording).
      3. Reduce longer slient gaps between sentences to about 0.5 - 1.0 sec
      4. Make these corrections in a way, that the result is pleasantest to hear.
      5. If there are additional user questions and answers inside of the audio of a slide:
        1. Store current version (i.e. the silent gaps are removed) as $NR_sldiii_total.wav
        2. Cut the question+answer and paste it to a Datei->NewRecording track.
        3. Store this track as $NR_sldiii_add1.wav
        4. Produce additional addendums with further question+answers ($NR_sldiii_add2.wav ...).
    11. Store the slide-track into $NR_sldiii.wav
  6. Use the following microphone setup recording additional audio directly from the microphone:
    1. Open the Record Control window with the commands described above.
    2. Switch off all except the microphone port
    3. Click on Erweitert
      • Switch ON the Mic Boost (+20db)
    4. Select recording level about 3 on the scale from 0 to 7
  7. Use free RealProcucer Basic to generate .rm files from the .wav files.
    1. Start --> Programme --> RealProducer Basic
    2. Select Record from file
    3. Select Input file in C:users\rusrabe\parallel_prog_fall2001_audio\talk_..._$NR/
    4. Title as proposed
    5. Select Single rate for Web-Servers
    6. Select 28K Modem
    7. Select Voice only
    8. for 28kbit/s (lowest rate)
    9. Don't change Output filename
    10. Fertigstellen
    11. Choose in Options --> Preferences C: as temporary device
    12. Start the transfer by clicking Start in the panel.
    13. Close processing complete window.
    On the next file, start the process with
    1. File --> New session...
    2. all other is the same, except, that the temporary device need not to be chosen again.
  8. Transform the .ppt File into a html presentation:
    1. Go into U:rus\parallel\rusrabe\html_from_folien
    2. Go from there to directory_of_Standard.tpl
    3. Substitute the Standard.tpl from Microsoft by the Standard_alex.tpl with the following commands:
      • If you find Standard.tpl and Standard_alex.tpl then
        • move Standard.tpl into Standard_orig.tpl
        • move Standard_alex.tpl into Standard.tpl
      • otherwise (if Standard_orig.tpl and Standard.tpl are there), you must not change this, because the change was done already.
    4. Open the ppt-File
      from U:rus\parallel\rusrabe\folien
      with PowerPoint 97 (not with PowerPoint 2000 or later).
    5. Call Datei -> Als HTML speichern
      • Make the following decisions, if you are doing this the first time:
        1. Weiter
        2. Neues Design -> Weiter
        3. Standard (no Browser-Frames) -> Weiter
        4. GIF -> Weiter
        5. Choose 800x600 and volle Bildschirmgroesse (full display) -> Weiter
        6. No additional informations -> Weiter
        7. Browser-Farben verwenden -> Weiter
        8. Select Small rectangular (not quadratic) bottons (button at right top) -> Weiter
        9. Select Buttons below the slide-image (layout at right top) -> Weiter
        10. Select U:rus\parallel\rusrabe\html_from_folien -> Weiter
        11. Fertigstellen
        12. Store presentation style as "my_html" when you are asked for.
      • Make the following decisions, if you have already generated "my_html"
        1. Weiter
        2. Click on Use presentation style
        3. Choose "my_html"
        4. Always Weiter until
        5. Fertigstellen
        6. Don't store "my_html" again
    6. If PowerPoint tells that it could not produce all slides, then remove the generated directory, close PowerPoint, open PowerPoint again, and try to generate the HTML presentation again.
    7. After the HTML-presentation is successfully generated -> Close PowerPoint
    8. Open the directory of the generated presentation in U:rus\parallel\rusrabe\html_from_folien
    9. Double-click on the index.html in the generated directory (This starts the slideshow)
    10. Click on "Zum Starten hier klicken"
    11. Click on ">>"-button to go to the last slide
    12. View the source of the last slide: Menue Ansicht --> Quelltext anzeigen
    13. Check the first line whether it contains Presentation generated by RUS-Presenter
      If you find Microsofts header, then you have done it wrong with the Standard.tpl files, i.e. you didn't use Standard_alex.tpl .
      Go back and make it correctlyas written above.
    14. If you have finished the production of HTML presentations, then restore the original (Microsoft's) Standard.tpl with:
      • move Standard.tpl into Standard_alex.tpl
      • move Standard_orig.tpl into Standard.tpl
  9. Here a list of all ppt-filenames used for par_prog_ws and the numbers used in the audio files
               number filename                            comments 
                [01]  introduction_fall2001.ppt           - only slide 1-13
                [02]  arch_models_2.ppt
                [03]  mpi_1_rab.ppt
                [05]  totalview_5.ppt                     - HTML cannot be generated
                [06]  heat_mpi_2.ppt
                [07]  openmp-intro7.ppt
                [08]  assure_1.ppt
                [08a] assure_practical.ppt
                [09]  hpc_access_2.ppt
                [10]  mpi_2_short.ppt
                [11]  mpi_io_1.ppt
                [12]  mpi_1sided_1.ppt
                [13]  mpi_2_medium.ppt
                [14]  mpi_optimize_3.ppt
                [16]  mpi_tools_1.ppt
                [17]  vampir-spring2001-new.ppt
                [18]  anwendungen_poehlmann_2.ppt
                [19]  openmp_2_0.ppt
                [20]  openmp_cluster_ext_1_handout.ppt   - not for ONLINE, only for printed material
                [20a] openmp_cluster_ext_1_slides.ppt    - use this
                [21]  openmp_tools_1.ppt
                [22]  openmp_performance_1.ppt
                [23]  mpi_openmp_7.ppt
                [24]  nec_introduction.ppt               - without AUDIO 
                [25]  nec_vector.ppt
                [26]  nec_para_2000.ppt                  - without AUDIO
                [28]  Kuester_Hitachi_SR8000_Architecture.ppt - without AUDIO
                [29]  hitachi_prog_model_1.ppt
                [30]  visualisierung.ppt
                [31]  DomainDecomposition.ppt
                [32]  lastverteilung_rips_engl.ppt
                [32a] lastverteilung_uebung_engl.ppt
                [33]  Kuester_numerical_libs_19oct2001.ppt
                [34]  Kuester_parallel_numerics_19oct2001.ppt
                [35]  ParallelParticle.ppt
                [36]  OOmethods.ppt
                [37]  hpf_7.ppt                          - only German AUDIO
                 $NR  $FOLDER.ppt  
  10. Production of the combined slide+audio presentation:
    1. $BASE is C:users\rusrabe\parallel_prog_fall2001_audio\ on Multimadia-PC
    2. Select $FOLDER as name of the directory of the html presentation that should be combined with its audio information
    3. $NR is the number of this presentation
    4. Generate new audio and slides directories:
      1. Go to $BASE\rus_presenter\
      2. Delete existing slides and audio directories
      3. Make a copy of directories audio_orig and slides_orig
      4. Rename directories:
        • copy of audio_orig --> audio
        • copy of slides_orig --> slides
    5. Copy audio files to rus_presenter/audio directory:
      1. Copy audio files for this presentation
        from $BASE\talk_eng_$NR\ or BASE\talk_ger_$NR\
        into $BASE\rus_presenter\audio\
      2. The audiofiles need to be at form audio_sld[index].rm with a 3-digit [index].
      3. If the filename-base of the .rm files in audio is not audio_sld, then use rus_shifter to convert the names:
        • Start -> Programme -> MS-DOS Eingabeaufforderung (~ 4th entry from top)
        • C:
        • cd users\rusrabe\parallel_prog_fall2001_audio\rus_presenter\audio
        • rus_shifter -file [oldfilename_base] -start 1 -stop [last_index] -extension rm -rename "audio_sld"
    6. Copy all slide-files to rus_presenter/slides directory:
      from U:rus\parallel\rusrabe\html_from_folien\$FOLDER
      to $BASE\rus_presenter/slides
    7. Setting standard information:
      if you want the same textinformation beeing displayed in the textwindow for each slide then insert this information in rus_presenter\standard_info.txt
    8. Setting the standard beep:
      If you want to change the beep at the end of each slide, then you must modify audio/beep.rm
      (Currently, a copy of ding1.rm is used.)
    9. Start -> Programme -> MS-DOS Eingabeaufforderung (~ 4th entry from top)
      • C:
      • cd users\rusrabe\parallel_prog_fall2001_audio\rus_presenter\
    10. Now you can start rus_presenter.exe at command line (MS-DOS Eingabeaufforderung) with following parameters:
      • -sld [name]
        with [name]: insert name of PP-html slides without index and extension,
        e.g.: sld002.htm --> sld
      • -start [start_index]
        with [start_index]: insert start (first) index of your presentation,
        e.g. you got files sld001.htm - sld012.htm
        --> -start 1
      • -stop [stop_index]
        with [stop_index]: insert stop (last) index of your presentation,
        same example as above:
        --> -stop 12
      • -name "[p_name]"
        with [p_name]: insert title of your presentation. This title will be shown in the titlebar of the browser.
      • -location "[destination]"
        with [destination]: insert destination where the presentation will be placed on the webserver (mandatory for remote audio). Actually this path is
        -location "$FOLDER"
        with $FOLDER substituted by the folder name, without trailing slash!
      • Example:
        rus_presenter -sld sld -start 1 -stop 76 -name "Parallel Architectures and Parallel Programming Models" -location ""
    11. Go into $BASE\rus_presenter\ and
      move course into $FOLDER
  11. Copy total presentation
    from Multimedia-PC C:users\rusrabe\parallel_prog_fall2001_audio\rus_presenter\$FOLDER
    to awsrr into ~/kurse/par_prog_ws/engl/$FOLDER
  12. Substitute docs-directory by a link:
    1. On awsrr, cd ~/kurse/par_prog_ws/engl/$FOLDER
    2. \rm -r docs
    3. ln -s ../common/docs docs
  13. Build the common docs directory:
    1. In par_prog_ws/engl/common/docs
    2. start ./
      (only once, to generate 200 links, expecting that the longest presentation does not has more than 199 slides.)
  14. Modifications in par_prog_ws/engl/*/slides/start.html
    1. On awsrr, cd ~/kurse/par_prog_ws/engl/
    2. vi */slides/start.html
    3. Line 14: Substitute Zum Starten hier klicken
        by Start Lecture by clicking here
    4. Line 21: Substitute Inhaltsverzeichnis
        by Content
    5. Line 17-32: make the following scheme:
                 <table width=90%>
                   <td valign=top align=left width=50%>
                   <td valign=top width=50%>
                         <strong>Author:</strong> write here the authors from below!!!!
                 <table width=90%>
                   <td valign=top align=left width=90%>
    6. At the end, substitute the lines
                   <td valign=top width=50%>
    7. Make sure, that the word Author is used instead of Autor on the english slides.
    8. Modify the total list:
      • s+<P ALIGN=LEFT>+<LI> \&nbsp; \&nbsp; +
      • s+</P>++
    9. On chapter headings:
      1. remove the \&nbsp; \&nbsp;
      2. and duplicate the > and < surrounding the title, e.g.:
      3. Substitute the >>Title<< format:
        • s+>>+><FONT COLOR="FF0000"><B>+
        • s+<<+</B></FONT><+
    10. Store modified file on web server: (if the presetation is already copied to
      scp $FOLDER/slides/start.html$FOLDER/slides/
  15. Copy total presentation from awsrr to


Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner