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Module category: Tools


VectorScal extracts scalar values from vector fields.


VectorScal is available for all COVISE versions on all supported platforms.


Name Type Description
length Choice Options:
  • Length: length of vectors of the discrete vector field
  • X-Component: x-coordinate of the discrete vector field
  • Y-Component: y-coordinate of the discrete vector field
  • Z-Component: z-coordinate of the discrete vector field

Input Ports

Name Type Description
requiredvDataIn TriangleStrips
input vector data

Output Ports

Name Type Description
outputsdataOut Float
output scalar data


Figure: covise/net/tutorial/tutorial_vel_4.net (old)

Displaying vector lines for each grid point in a 3D volume often leads to very complex visualizations (see covise/net/tutorial/tutorial_vel_3.net). Therefore it is often clearer to display vector lines only on a surface, for example on the outer surface of the geometry or on a plane which cuts through the 3D data. In tutorial_vel_4.net the first RWCovise module reads in the computational grid of a channel with two inlets. The second RWCovise module reads in the velocity field. The module CuttingSurface extracts a plane with the velocity data on the plane. VectorField computes a vector arrow on each polygon vertex of the cutting surface. The module VectorScal computes the amount of the velocity and the module Colors computes colors from the velocity amount data. The colors and the vector lines are combined with the module Collect and displayed in the Renderer.

Note: The tutorial net has been modified to show the use of VectorScal; in this special case you could have used the second output port of VectorField instead which provides the scalar data anyway.


Authors: Martin Aumüller, Ruth Lang, Daniela Rainer, Jürgen Schulze-Döbold, Andreas Werner, Peter Wolf, Uwe Wössner
Copyright © 1993-2022 HLRS, 2004-2014 RRZK, 2005-2014 Visenso
COVISE Version 2021.12