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Module category: Tools


MakeOctTree generates octrees for unstructured grids and polygons. An object of class OctTree is generated for unstructured grids, whereis for Polygons a OctTreeP object is generated. In general you will never use this module except in 2 situations: when you are using more than one tracer module for the same data set, and when you want to change the default values which control octree construction.


It's available in version 5.2.2.


Name Type Description
normal_size scalar The bounding box of the geometric domain is uniformly divided into several octrees (subdomains). The number of octrees is influenced by this parameter. Its meaning is as follows: if the grid were uniform, then the number of cells in each subdomain would be with good approximation the value of this parameter, as long as the total number of cells is of course high enough.
max_no_levels scalar The maximum number of levels in an octree.
min_small_enough scalar When an octree leaf contains less than some number of elements, leaf division is interrupted. This number is in general greater than the value of this parameter, but you may influence it through this parameter.
crit_level scalar From this level leaf division is interrupted if a would-be son-cell contains as many cells as the parent.
limit_fX scalar This parameter influences how the bounding box of the geometric object is subdivided into a number of subdomains for as many octrees. In particular this parameter limits the number of division in the X-dimension.
limit_fY scalar See comment for limit_fX. This parameter limits the number of division in the Y-dimension.
limit_fZ scalar See comment for limit_fX. This parameter limits the number of division in the Z-dimension.

Input Ports

Name Type Description
requiredinGrid UnstructuredGrid
Input grid

Output Ports

Name Type Description
outputoutOctTree OctTree
Output octree


This example illustrates how the use of this module may optimise an anlysis with two Tracer modules. The same pipeline might also be used without MakeOctTreeMap and the results would be the same.

Figure: covise/net/examples/MakeOctTree.net


Authors: Martin Aumüller, Ruth Lang, Daniela Rainer, Jürgen Schulze-Döbold, Andreas Werner, Peter Wolf, Uwe Wössner
Copyright © 1993-2022 HLRS, 2004-2014 RRZK, 2005-2014 Visenso
COVISE Version 2021.12