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Module category: IO


The module reads data sets compatible to PATRAN 2.5 file format. It processes information of the neutral file, displacement or force results files, nodal and element results files.


ReadPatran is available for COVISE snapvir-2001-01 and higher. It's tested on SGI systems.

The following Neutral File packages types are supported at the moment:


Name Type Description
grid_path Browser The basic grid file( neutral file) location.
nodal_displ_force_path Browser The nodal displacements or force results file location.
This parameter is optional. If you use more than one timestep check if your files match the following naming convention:
either the file name includes only one number refering to the timestep
or the file name contains such a number at its end.
nodal_result_path Browser The nodal results file location.
This parameter is optional. Note the naming convention above.
elem_result_path Browser The element results file location.
This parameter is optional. Note the naming convention above.
Option Choice The type of the results which will be put in the data2 output port.
The options are:
Nodal_Results and Element_Results. This choice should be associated with the selection of the corresponding input file.
timesteps Scalar The desired number of timesteps.
This parameter is optional.
skipped_files Scalar The desired number of skipped timesteps files.
This parameter is optional. It's useful when you have a big number of timesteps files and you want to skip some of them.
nb_columns Scalar The number of the column read out from the nodal or element results file.

Output Ports

Name Type Description
outputmesh UnstructuredGrid Unstructured grid or a set of unstructured grids
outputdata1 Vec3 The displacements or force results: unstructured vector data or a set of unstructured vector data
outputdata2 Float Unstructured scalar data a set of unstructured scalar data


IntArr Array of ElementIDs, PropertyIDs and ComponentIDs


Figure: covise/net/examples/ReadPatran.net

We have two data files: the neutral file contains all information about the grid, the result file contains the velocity vector in the first three columns and the kinetic energy in the fourth column. The name of the neutral file is placed in the grid_path parameter. To read out vector data we use the parameter nodal_displ_force_path. We find the vector output at the second output port. These vectors are displayed with the module VectorField. The energy data is read by setting the parameter nodal_result_path with the same filename.
Note: You should use the parameter elem_result_path if you have data per element. Some modules accept vertex-based data only; use the module CellToVert to convert cell-based data to vertex-based data.
To get the fourth column of the results data file we set the parameter nb_columns to 4. We get this scalar data from the third port and visualize it by using colors on a cutting plane. The result is shown in the image below.

Figure: Result in the Renderer

Authors: Martin Aumüller, Ruth Lang, Daniela Rainer, Jürgen Schulze-Döbold, Andreas Werner, Peter Wolf, Uwe Wössner
Copyright © 1993-2022 HLRS, 2004-2014 RRZK, 2005-2014 Visenso
COVISE Version 2021.12