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Module category: IO


File reader for formatted Fluent(R) files V 0.99b


Please make sure that you run ReadFluent only on the same type of system where the data have been generated - with SGI data on SGI and with Linux data on Linux


Name Type Description
CasePath Browser input file
DataPath Browser input file
select_data_1 Choice see below
select_data_2 Choice see below
select_data_3 Choice see below
timesteps Scalar Number of timesteps
file_increment Scalar Increment in the timestep index containt in the name of the file
skipped_files Scalar Number of files to skip

To read time dependent data the data-set usually contains one cas-file and n datafiles. ReadFluent assumes data file names obeying the following convention: name-NNN.dat. Where NNN is a eight figure integer with leading zeros and name an arbitrary name of the model. The increment NNN from data-file to data-file $i+1$ must be constant. Enter n in the timesteps parameter of ReadFluent and the increment of NNN as file_increment parameter. To read only each k-th data-file anter an appropriate value for the parameter skipped_files.


To read a Fluent dataset containing the files tube.cas, tube-00001000.dat, tube-00002000.dat, tube-00003000.dat, tube-00004000.dat you should use the following parameter settings:

timesteps 4
file_increment 1000
skipped_files 0

In case you want to read each second file of the data set use:

timesteps 4
file_increment 1000
skipped_files 1

Figure: Data selection (ModuleInfo)
Fig. Data selection (ModuleInfo)

Output Ports

Name Type Description
outputgrid StructuredGrid
outputpolygons Polygons generated polygons
outputdata1 Float
outputdata2 Float
outputdata3 Float

Directions for use:


Below you see an example map for selecting vector data on data1 (velocity) showing vector data as colors on a CuttingSurface (see Renderer output).

Figure: covise/net/examples/ReadFluent.net


Authors: Martin Aumüller, Ruth Lang, Daniela Rainer, Jürgen Schulze-Döbold, Andreas Werner, Peter Wolf, Uwe Wössner
Copyright © 1993-2022 HLRS, 2004-2014 RRZK, 2005-2014 Visenso
COVISE Version 2021.12