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Module category: Filter


You can choose a dimension and an index of a structured grid refering to this dimension. IndexManifolds calculates the surface of this area. If you work with uniform or rectilinear grids the result will be a plane.


IndexManifolds is available for COVISE version 4.5 and higher. It's available for all supported platforms.


Name Type Description
DirChoice choice of
- direction x
- direction y
- direction z
Dimension the index is refering to.
xIndex Slider Index of structured grid area. The range of the slider is set acoording to the input grid.
yIndex Slider Index of structured grid area. The range of the slider is set acoording to the input grid.
zIndex Slider Index of structured grid area. The range of the slider is set acoording to the input grid.
Generate_strips Boolean Do you want to generate triangle strips?

Input Ports

Name Type Description
requiredGrid UniformGrid
The grid or sets of grids you want to use.
optionalData Float
Data on grid points.

Output Ports

Name Type Description
outputSurface Polygons
Generated surface.
dependSurface Data Unstructered_S3D_Data
Data on the surface.


Example 1:

Figure: Example 1 for IndexManifolds (Map)

We use the example map above together with the parameter settings as shown in the Control Panel. The module GenDat generates a structured grid in cylindrical shape. IndexManifolds displays the surface of one area. The result therefore is also a cylinder as you can see in the Renderer output below.

Figure: Result of Example 1 (Renderer)

Example 2:

The second example (covise/net/examples/IndexManifolds.net) illustrates the usage of IndexManifolds for a rectilinear grid.

Figure: covise/net/examples/IndexManifolds.net

Figure: Result of IndexManifolds.net (Renderer)

Authors: Martin Aumüller, Ruth Lang, Daniela Rainer, Jürgen Schulze-Döbold, Andreas Werner, Peter Wolf, Uwe Wössner
Copyright © 1993-2022 HLRS, 2004-2014 RRZK, 2005-2014 Visenso
COVISE Version 2021.12