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Module category: Filter


FilterCrop allows to reduce the number of grid lines in structured grids.


FilterCrop can either crop the index space of a grid by chosing min and max indices different from 0 and the initial max value, by simply omitting all grid points that lie outside this interval (this is independent for all three coordinate axes). The other possibility is to use the sample parameter to skip a certain number of intermediate grid points (this is the same value for all three directions). A sample of 2 (the default) means that every second grid point will be displayed, in the case of 3 every third grid point and so on.

FilterCrop is available for COVISE version 4.5 and higher. It's tested on all supported platforms.


Name Type Description
i_min Slider minimum for the range of the i index
i_max Slider maximum for the range of the i index
j_min Slider minimum for the range of the j index
j_max Slider maximum for the range of the j index
k_min Slider minimum for the range of the k index
k_max Slider maximum for the range of the k index
sample Scalar reduces to every nth gridline

Input Ports

Name Type Description
requiredmeshin UniformGrid
Grids or sets of grids.
optionaldatain Float
Scalar or vector data on the grid or sets of scalar or vector data on the sets of grids. The number of elements must match the number of nodes in the grid.

Output Ports

Name Type Description
outputmeshout UniformGrid
The filtered and cropped grid.
dependdataout Float
The filtered and cropped data (this object is only created when the input port datain is connected).


Figure: covise/net/examples/FilterCrop.net

In this example some grid and data is generated by the GenDat module (it can be chosen whether this will be on a uniform, rectilinear or structured grid). After filtering and/or cropping the grid and the data the grid is displayed via the ShowGrid module in the Renderer. The next image is a snapshot of the Control Panel showing the parameters for the map FilterCrop.net.

Figure: Parameters for the example map

In addition the unfiltered grid can be seen in blue (partially overlapped by the white filtered grid). The next image is a snapshot of the results in the Inventor Renderer.

Figure: Result in the renderer

Authors: Martin Aumüller, Ruth Lang, Daniela Rainer, Jürgen Schulze-Döbold, Andreas Werner, Peter Wolf, Uwe Wössner
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COVISE Version 2021.12