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Module category: Filter


This module clips the data and the grid supporting this data which is out of an indicated interval. Only data on input port Scalar_in are clipped, data on Field_in_0 ... Field_in_4 are just handed through.


ClipInterval is available for COVISE version 4.5 and higher. It's available for all supported platforms.


Name Type Description
min_Slider FloatSlider The minimal value of the interval. If this value is bigger than the maximum than it will be reduced automatically to the maximum.
max_Slider FloatSlider The maximal value of the interval.
dummy Boolean on: objects without data are "clipped"
off: objects without data unchanged

Input Ports

Name Type Description
requiredGeometry_in Polygons
The geometry you want to use.
requiredScalar_in Float Data on geometry that will be used to vcleep the data.
Float Vec3 Unstructured_T3D_Data Additional data that you may wish to map onto the output geometry - just handed through module
optionalminmax MinMax_Data The minimal and maximal value of the data, obtained from the output port of the MinMax module. When used, these two values are used for setting the first two components of both slider parameters, so that, after a first execution, you may know the meaningful interval in which you may parametrise the clipping.

Output Ports

Name Type Description
outputGeometry_out Polygons
Clipped geometry.
outputScalar_out Float Clipped data on the geometry.
Float Unstrucured_V3D_Data Unstrucured_T3D_Data Data handed through for the output geometry.


Figure: covise/net/examples/ClipInterval.net

In this example the output ports containing the geometry and data of the DomainSurface module are connected to the input ports of ClipInterval module. Also the MinMax module is used to determine the initial minimum and maximum for the slider parameters. With these extreme values the geometry is not clipped (as shown in the first Renderer image), but after setting for example the interval: [0.019 - 0.212] you can observe that the other values out of this interval are clipped (as shown in the second Renderer image).

Figure: The initial image before using ClipInterval

Figure: Result of ClipInterval

No example available yet for using the additional ports.

Authors: Martin Aumüller, Ruth Lang, Daniela Rainer, Jürgen Schulze-Döbold, Andreas Werner, Peter Wolf, Uwe Wössner
Copyright © 1993-2022 HLRS, 2004-2014 RRZK, 2005-2014 Visenso
COVISE Version 2021.12