#Links #All the course material: #https://fs.hlrs.de/projects/par/events/2024/dl-hlrs/ #https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ #https://scikit-learn.org #https://keras.io/api/models/ #https://www.tensorflow.org/resources/models-datasets #https://www.deeplearningbook.org/ #@book{Goodfellow-et-al-2016, # title={Deep Learning}, # author={Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron # Courville}, # publisher={MIT Press}, # note={\url{http://www.deeplearningbook.org}}, # year={2016} --------------------------------------------------------------------- Training Cluster - training.hlrs.de #Data location on Training Cluster: /shared/akad-dl-hlrs/day2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Day2 - Deep Learning # Commands 1 # username: sca515*; * = Number: See sticker on laptop ssh username@training.hlrs.de or ssh -i /home/username/.ssh/id_ed25519 username@training.hlrs.de # Commands 2 # For a new ws ws_allocate wsday2 15 ws_list MYSCR=$(ws_find wsday2) cd $MYSCR # Commands 3 cp /shared/akad-dl-hlrs/day2/data.tar.gz . cp /shared/akad-dl-hlrs/day2/work_data_50.tar.gz . cp /shared/akad-dl-hlrs/day2/notebooks.tar.gz . cp /shared/akad-dl-hlrs/day2/solutions.tar.gz . tar -zxvf data.tar.gz tar -zxvf work_data_50.tar.gz tar -zxvf notebooks.tar.gz # To display the directory structure in a tree-like format tree # Commands 4 # To start Jupyter Notebook (JN) on compute node: ssh username@training.hlrs.de -D 8080 -q #Reserve compute node option as provided for the day1 (attenton: course queue ) qsub -I -l select=1:node_type=skl:mem=12gb,walltime=09:00:00 -q smp #Locate your ws for day2 MYSCR=$(ws_find wsday2) cd $MYSCR #For working environment on compute node . notebooks/modules.sh #Copy URL link to your browser-Profil http://n081501:8888/?token=..... # Commands 5 # To find the current path: pwd # To find the workspace path in Vulcan: ws_list # To copy a folder to a local directory (from a local terminal): scp -r username@training.hlrs.de:/path/to/workspace/and/folder /path/to/local/destination Cat output.txt head -n 30 output.txt tail output.txt --------------------------------------------------------------------- Vulcan Cluster - vulcan.hww.hlrs.de #Data location on Vulcan Cluster: /lustre/nec/ws3/ws/hpckkakh-exchangews/wsday2 #Computing Time on Vulcan Cluster: qsub -I -q R_DL -l select=1:node_type=hsw:mem=100gb,walltime=09:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------