Advanced Parallel Programming with MPI and OpenMP

Research & Science
Advanced Parallel Programming with MPI and OpenMP


The focus is on advanced programming with MPI and OpenMP. Hands-on sessions (in C and Fortran) will allow users to immediately test and understand the taught constructs of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the shared memory directives of OpenMP. This course provides scientific training in Computational Science, and in addition, the scientific exchange of the participants among themselves. It is organized by JSC in collaboration with HLRS in cooperation with HLRS. (Content Level: 20% for beginners, 50% intermediate, 30% advanced)

General Information


Not yet available.




Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner (Stuttgart)


Online form not yet available


for registration is Nov. 1, 2015.


Members of German universities and public research institutes: none.
Members of other universities and public research institutes: 120 EUR.
Others: 400 EUR.
(includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)


Unix / C or Fortran

Local Organizer

Florian Janetzko
phone 02461 61 1446
course-page at JSC

Cancelation Policy

If you cannot come to the course, please send an email to the organizer as soon as possible. This would allow us to accept additional participants from the waiting-list. There is no cancelation fee.
NO-SHOW: Registered persons that do not cancel and do not show up without any reasons are blocked for the next year on any of our workshops (because it is too expensive to produce unused copies of the slides for them).


Each participant will get a paper copy of all slides.
The MPI-1 part of the course is based on the MPI course developed by the EPCC Training and Education Centre, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre.
If you want, you may also buy copies of the standards MPI-3.0 (Hardcover, 17 Euro) and OpenMP (about 10 Euro).
An older version of this course with most of the material (including the audio information) can also be viewed in the ONLINE Parallel Programming Workshop.

Further courses

Shortcut-URL of this course:


Florian Janetzko
phone 02461 61 1446
course-page at JSC