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MPI Programming Workshop

Due to the number of registrations we offer a second course. Both courses (A and B) have the same contents.

Course A June 8-9, 1999, 9:00-17:00
Course B June 7+10+11, 1999, Mon. 9:00-17:00, Thu. 9:00-12:10, Fri. 9:00-12:50
Location HLRS, Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart
Abstract (see below)
Programme (see below)
Workshop language Course A: English     /     Course B: German
Prerequisites Unix / C or Fortran
Registration (Deadline Tuesday 1.6.1998)
Registration fee HLRS users and members of public German research instituts: none, others: 200 DM

For further information please contact:

Margot Megerle
Tel.: 0711 685 2504


The aim of this workshop is to give people an insight into the programming of parallel machines by MPI. The workshop is split into two parts. During the first day an introduction to MPI will be given. Hands on sessions will allow users to immediately test and understand what the basic constructs of MPI are meant to do. The second day will be dedicated to more sophisticated techniques of programming in MPI.


A: Tuesday 8.6.1999     /     B: Monday 7.6.1999

09:00-09:10 Introduction,
Rolf Rabenseifner
09:10-10:10 Parallel Programming Models (Talk), Michael Resch
10:10-10:30 Getting started (Talk), Rolf Rabenseifner

10:30-10:45 Coffee Break

10:45-11:20 MPI Programs (Talk), Rolf Rabenseifner
11:20-11:50 MPI Programs (Practical Session)
11:50-12:00 What's in a message? (Talk), Thomas Boenisch

12:00-13:00 Lunch Break

13:00-13:25 Point-to-Point Communication (Talk), Thomas Boenisch
13:25-14:15 Point-to-Point Communication (Practical Session)

14:15-14:30 Coffeee Break

14:30-14:55 Non-Blocking Communication (Talk), Panagiotis Adamidis
14:55-15:45 Non-Blocking Communication (Practical Session)

15:45-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-16:20 Derived Datatypes (Talk), Edgar Gabriel
16:20-17:00 Derived Datatypes (Practical Session)

A: Wednesday Morning 9.6.1999     /     B: Thursday Morning 10.6.1999

09:00-09:40 Virtual Topologies (Talk), Rolf Rabenseifner
09:40-10:10 Virtual Topologies (Practical Session)
10:10-10:25 Coffee Break
10:25-10:55 Collective Communication (Talk), Edgar Gabriel
10:55-11:35 Collective Communication (Practical Session)
11:35-12:10 Other features and MPI-2 Outlook (Talk), Rolf Rabenseifner

12:10-13:10 Lunch Break

A: Wednesday Afternoon 9.6.1999     /     B: Friday Morning 11.6.1999

A: 13:10-13:50 A heat diffusion example (Talk), Rolf Rabenseifner
B: 09:00-09:40
A: 13:50-14:20 A heat diffusion example (Practical Session)
B: 09:40-10:10
A: 14:20-14:45 Counter Profiling for MPI (Talk), Rolf Rabenseifner
B: 10:10-10:35

A: 14:45-15:00 Coffee Break B: 10:35-10:50

A: 15:00-16:00 Profiling MPI Programs with VAMPIR (Talk), Isabel loebich
B: 10:50-11:50
A: 16:00-17:00 Continued practical session for MPI and VAMPIR
B: 11:50-12:50

The course materials are handed out to all participants. You can get additional copies from the course chair and editor Rolf Rabenseifner. Here you can get all course material on the WEB.

Registration (Deadline Tuesday 1.6.1999)

The max. number of participants is reached. To allow more users to participate we will hold a second course in the same week (First day on June 7th, second day split into two parts to be held on June 9th and June 10th). If you wish to participate you may register but we will come back to you to check for your optimum date.
Registration fee: HLRS users and members of public German research instituts: none, others: 200 DM

Title, First Name, Last Name 

Street/Post-office box 
Postal Code, City 
Preferred programming language (C/Fortran) 
Preferred course: 
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