Go to the documentation of this file.
1/* This file is part of COVISE.
3 You can use it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
4 version 2.1 or later, see lgpl-2.1.txt.
6 * License: LGPL 2+ */
8// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
9// CLASS MagmaUtils
11// Neighbourhood calculation for nodes and cells.
12// You get also a function which calculates the border (lines)
13// of a polygon. And other functions, which extend a surface beyond
14// its borders, eventually with data.
16// Initial version: 29.02.2004 Sergio Leseduarte
17// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
18// (C) 2004 by VirCinity IT Consulting
19// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
20// Changes:
22#ifndef _MAGMA_UTILS_H_
23#define _MAGMA_UTILS_H_
25#include "covise/covise.h"
27namespace covise
33 typedef std::pair<int, int> Edge;
34 // NodeNeighbours calculates in neighbours the neighbours
35 // cells for each node. start_neigh is used to get the starting
36 // position in neighbours of the neighbours of a node, and number_neigh
37 // is used to get the number of cell neighbours.
38 // num_conn gives for each cell the number of vertices,
39 // this may seem redundant with el, but it is not, when you are
40 // using a subgrid.
41 static void NodeNeighbours(const vector<int> &el,
42 const vector<int> &num_conn,
43 const vector<int> &cl,
44 int num_coord, // this is in most cases redundant...
45 // but not always!!!
46 vector<int> &start_neigh,
47 vector<int> &number_neigh,
48 vector<int> &neighbours);
49 // CellNeighbours calculates in elem_neighbours the neighbours
50 // cells for each cell. Two cells are neighbours in this context
51 // not when they have one common node, but when they have one common edge.
52 // For the meaning of elem_start_neigh, elem_number_neigh and
53 // elem_neighbours, you may read the comments for NodeNeighbours.
54 // edge_neighbours is as long as elem_neighbours. For each
55 // neighbourhood relationship, a (the) common edge is kept in this array.
56 // In general, you will have to use NodeNeighbours prior
57 // calling CellNeighbours.
58 static void CellNeighbours(const vector<int> &el,
59 const vector<int> &num_conn,
60 const vector<int> &cl,
61 // these fields come from NodeNeighbours
62 const vector<int> &nodal_start_neigh,
63 const vector<int> &nodal_number_neigh,
64 const vector<int> &nodal_neighbours, // elements touching a node
65 vector<int> &elem_start_neigh,
66 vector<int> &elem_number_neigh,
67 vector<int> &elem_neighbours,
68 vector<Edge> &edge_neighbours);
69 // The output of DomainLines are two arrays: border_els, the
70 // cells lying at the border, and border_edges, the edges defining
71 // the border. You have to call CellNeighbours before using
72 // this function.
73 static void DomainLines(const vector<int> &el,
74 const vector<int> &num_conn,
75 const vector<int> &cl,
76 const vector<int> &elem_start_neigh,
77 const vector<int> &elem_number_neigh,
78 const vector<Edge> &edge_neighbours,
79 vector<int> &border_els,
80 vector<Edge> &border_edges);
81 // the following two functions work at the moment
82 // only for triangles!!!!
83 // You are likely to append clExt and {x,y,z}Ext to cl and x,y,z
84 // after calling these functions in order to get the whole
85 // extended geometry
86 static void ExtendBorder(float length, const vector<int> &border_els,
87 const vector<Edge> &border_edges,
88 const vector<int> &cl,
89 vector<int> &clExt,
90 const vector<float> &x,
91 const vector<float> &y, const vector<float> &z,
92 vector<float> &xExt,
93 vector<float> &yExt, vector<float> &zExt);
94 static void ExtendBorderAndData(float length, const vector<int> &border_els,
95 const vector<Edge> &border_edges,
96 const vector<int> &cl,
97 vector<int> &clExt,
98 const vector<float> &x,
99 const vector<float> &y, const vector<float> &z,
100 const vector<float> &InData,
101 vector<float> &xExt,
102 vector<float> &yExt, vector<float> &zExt,
103 vector<float> &OutData); // extended data
Definition: coExport.h:337
GLdouble GLdouble z
Definition: khronos-glext.h:6565
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint y
Definition: khronos-glext.h:6346
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei length
Definition: khronos-glext.h:6279
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint x
Definition: khronos-glext.h:6346
list of all chemical elements
Definition: coConfig.h:27
Definition: MagmaUtils.h:31
std::pair< int, int > Edge
Definition: MagmaUtils.h:33