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Parallel Programming Workshops and Programming Language Courses 2010

The aim of these workshops is to give people who already have some programming experience an introduction into the numerics of linear solvers, computational fluid dynamics, and the basics of parallel programming. The focus is on iterative solvers, the programming models MPI and OpenMP, domain decomposition, load balancing and parallel numerics. Language support is given for Fortran, C and C++.
Message Passing with MPI is the major programming model on large distributed-memory systems in high-performance computing. OpenMP is dedicated to shared memory systems.
Hands-on sessions will allow users to immediately test linear solver programming and to understand what the basic constructs of MPI and OpenMP are meant to do.


The workshops in spring/fall 2010 are given with different focus and locations:

links to single pages per course
links to course entries below on this page
Course A: Feb. 22-25, Dresden, ZIH MPI and OpenMP (in German)
Course Fortran (1): Mar. 1-5, Stuttgart, HLRS Fortran for Scientific Computing
(in German)
Course B: Mar. 15-19, Stuttgart, HLRS Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
(in German)
Course C: Mar. 22-26, Stuttgart, HLRS Iterative Linear Solvers and Parallelization
(in German)
Course D: Mar. 29-30, Stuttgart, HLRS Platfoms at HLRS, Usage and Programming
(in German)
Course UPC/CAF (1): May 18-19, Stuttgart, HLRS Introduction to Unified Parallel C (UPC) and Co-array Fortran (CAF)
(in German)
Course CUDA: June 22, Stuttgart, HLRS GPU Programming using CUDA
(in German)
Course CUDA(2): July 12-13, Stuttgart, HLRS GPU Programming using CUDA
(in German)
Course TUHH: Jul. 21-23, Hamburg-Harburg, TUHH-RZ MPI and OpenMP (in German)
Course CSCS: Aug. 10-12, Manno (CH), CSCS MPI and OpenMP (in English)
Course E: Sep. 6-10, Aachen GRS-SIM Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
(in German)
Course F-a: Sep. 27-28, Stuttgart, HLRS Message Passing Interface (MPI) for beginners
(in English)
Course F-b: Sep. 29, Stuttgart, HLRS Shared memory parallelization with OpenMP
(in English)
Course F-c: Sep.30-Oct.1, Stuttgart, HLRS Advanced topics in parallel programming
(in English)
Course G: Oct. 4-8, Garching, LRZ Iterative Linear Solvers and Parallelization
(in German)
Course Fortran (2): Oct. 25-29, Stuttgart, HLRS Fortran for Scientific Computing
(in German)
Course H: Nov.29-Dec.1 Jülich, JSC MPI and OpenMP (in German)
Course UPC/CAF (2): Dec. 14-15, Stuttgart, HLRS Introduction to Unified Parallel C (UPC) and Co-array Fortran (CAF)
(in German)
Course CUDA(3): Dec. 16-17, Stuttgart, HLRS GPU Programming using CUDA
(in German)
Online course: the parallel programming workshop is also available as an online-course with all slides and full audio information.
Workshops on CFD packages.
Further scientific workshops and other events at HLRS, see HLRS events.
Courses and events organized by the Gauss Centres for Supercomputing in Germany.

Poster - HLRS Courses and Workshops 2010

Poster with all courses and scientific workshops 2010 organized by HLRS.


The course language is German.
All slides and course materials are in English, except slides of A. Meister (about iterative solvers) and the slides of the CFD courses.

HLRS ZIH Kassel IAG EPCC Luebeck Transregio 30 NIC LRZ CSCS Gauss Centre for Supercomputing

Course A
Location ZIH, Zellescher Weg 12, Willers-Bau A 220, D-01062 Dresden
Date 2010, Monday Feb. 22, 8:30 - Thursday Feb. 25, 16:30
Content Parallel Programming with MPI, OpenMP, PETSc, and Tools (70% for beginners, 30% advanced)
Abstract The focus is on programming models MPI, OpenMP, and PETSc. Hands-on sessions (in C and Fortran) will allow users to immediately test and understand the basic constructs of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the shared memory directives of OpenMP. The last day is dedicated to tools. This course is organized by ZIH in collaboration with HLRS.
Agenda see link to detailed program
Language German
Teachers Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner, from HLRS, and Robert Henschel, Tobias Hilbrich, Matthias Lieber, Holger Mickler, Thomas William from ZIH
Registration registration form via Course HLRS 2010-A / ZIH Z111 announcement, TU Dresden
Deadline for registration is Jan. 24, 2010
Fee Members of German universities and public research institutes: Euro 7,50 for the course-handouts,
others: 300 EUR (includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)
Prerequisites Unix / C or Fortran
See ZIH -> travel-info. The next bus station is "Technische Universität, Dresden" (4 min on foot, ehemals "Fritz-Foerster-Platz, Dresden").
Accomodation: Close to the ZIH (15 min on foot) you find the guest house "Gästehaus Am Weberplatz" of the Dresden University of Technology, early reservation is recommended. The next bus station is "Zellescher Weg, Dresden" (map).
Local Organizer Claudia Schmidt, phone 0351 463 39833,
Pictures from 2007A Lecturer: Rolf Rabenseifner - at ZIH, Feb 13, 2007 while practicals - at ZIH, Feb 13, 2007
Course Fortran (1)
Location Großer Seminarraum (big seminar-room), HLRS (Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart), Universität Stuttgart, Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart
Date 2010, Monday Mar. 1, 9:00 - Friday Mar. 5, 16:00
Course: Mon.-Thu. 9:00 - 17:00, Fri. 9:00 - 16:00
Local registration: On Monday 8:30 - 9:00
Content Fortran for Scientific Computing
Abstract This course is dedicated for scientists and students to learn (sequential) programming with Fortran of scientific applications. The course teaches newest Fortran standards. The beginners part is based on the RRZN handbook "Fortran 95". Hands-on sessions will allow users to immediately test and understand the language constructs. This workshop provides scientific training in Computational Science, and in addition, the scientific exchange of the participants among themselves.
Agenda On Monday, the course starts with an introduction into programming with Fortran with small programming exercises that should help starting with programming. For more experienced participants, advanced exercises will be provided. Tuesday to Thursday, all major Fortran 95 methods are presented and tested in exercises. Performance issues are discussed. On Friday, Fortran development tools, an outlook to Fortran 2003 and further exercises are rounding up this course. The final agenda will be provided in the course.
Language German
Teacher Uwe Küster, Ralf Schneider from HLRS
Registration via online registration form.
Deadline for registration is Feb. 14, 2010 (extended deadline)
Fee Members of German universities and public research institutes: none,
others: 300 EUR (includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)
Prerequisites Familiarity with Linux and Linux editors is recommended.
Basic mathematics (integration and differentiation).
Literature and textbooks The RRZN Handbook "Fortran 95" is sold at the course (or by RUS): 10 Euro. Participants will also receive a free copy of the slides.
See HLRS-travel-info. The next railway stations are: "Universität, Stuttgart" (S-Bahn station, 15 min on foot) and "Lauchhau, Stuttgart" (Bus station, 4 min on foot to HLRS, bus lines 84, 92, 746, 747, 748, but not 82! from S-Bahn station "Universität, Stuttgart" and bus line 81 from S-Bahn station "Stuttgart-Vaihingen").
Accomodation: see also additional hotel list and HLRS-travel-info. Private Bed&Breakfast is also available (might be cheaper than the hotels), see, e.g., A youth hostel is also available.
See also campus map (HLRS, see Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart on the map), or HLRS, Allmandring 30, nearby crossroads Allmandring x Nobelstr., at coordinates 25.G on Stuttgart city map HLRS and University Campus or HLRS and Stuttgart-Vaihingen (or you can use Online-Stadtplan des Stadtmessungsamtes Stuttgart or
Local Organizer Rolf Rabenseifner phone 0711 685 65530,
Pictures from 2007FTN (Feb.) Lecturer: Uwe Küster Lecturer: Uwe Küster
Course B
Location Medienlabor HLRS (Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart), Universität Stuttgart, Nobelstr. 19, D-70550 Stuttgart
(location changed)
Date 2010, Monday Mar. 15, 10:00 - Friday Mar. 19, 14:40
Content Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
Abstract The course deals with current numerical methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics. The emphasis is placed on explicit finite volume methods for the compressible Euler equations. Moreover outlooks on implicit methods, the extension to the Navier-Stokes equations and turbulence modelling are given. Additional topics are classical numerical methods for the solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, Aeracoustics and high order numerical methods for the solution of systems of partial differential equations. The last day is dedicated to parallelization of explicit and implicit solvers.
Hands-on sessions will manifest the contents of the lectures. The emphasis of these session is put on the application of CFD codes, especially on grid generation, visualization and the interpretation of results. Furthermore the implementation of algorithms presented in the lectures points up the general structure of CFD codes.
The course is organized by the HLRS, the IAG and the University of Kassel. It is based on the course "Numerical Gasdynamics" held at the IAG which has been awarded the "Landeslehrpreis (prize for excellence in teaching) Baden-Württemberg 2003" (held at Uni. Stuttgart, under auspices of the BMBF project NUSS, contract 08NM227).
Agenda see link to detailed program
Language German
Teachers Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Roller (GRS), Dr. Philipp Birken (Uni. Kassel), Dr. Albert Ruprecht (IHS), Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Bogdanski (IAG), Florian Hindenlang (IAG), Andreas Stock (IAG), Andrea Beck (IAG), Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister (Uni. Kassel), and Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner (HLRS).
Registration The course is full. Therefore, the registration is closed.
To get early informations about future courses, you may register to our e-mail list also via the online registration form
Deadline for registration is Feb. 14, 2010
Fee Students without Diploma: 30 EUR
Students with Diploma (PhD students) at German universities: 60 EUR
Members of German universities and public research institutes: 60 EUR
others: 300 EUR
(includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)
Prerequisites Basics of partial differential equations and physics, programming experience in Fortran or C
Flyer Not yet available
See HLRS-travel-info. The next railway stations are: "Universität, Stuttgart" (S-Bahn station, 15 min on foot) and "Lauchhau, Stuttgart" (Bus station, 4 min on foot to HLRS, bus lines 84, 92, 746, 747, 748, but not 82! from S-Bahn station "Universität, Stuttgart" and bus line 81 from S-Bahn station "Stuttgart-Vaihingen").
Accomodation: see also additional hotel list and HLRS-travel-info. Private Bed&Breakfast is also available (might be cheaper than the hotels), see, e.g., A youth hostel is also available.
See also campus map (HLRS, see Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart on the map), or HLRS, Allmandring 30, nearby crossroads Allmandring x Nobelstr., at coordinates 25.G on Stuttgart city map HLRS and University Campus or HLRS and Stuttgart-Vaihingen (or you can use Online-Stadtplan des Stadtmessungsamtes Stuttgart or
Local Organizer Rolf Rabenseifner phone 0711 685 65530,
Pictures from 2007B Lecturer: Sabine Roller, and Mark Haas (standing left) - at Uni. Kassel, Mar 9, 2007 Lecturer: Sabine Roller - at Uni. Kassel, Mar 9, 2007 Lecturer: Rolf Rabenseifner and Andreas Meister - at Uni. Kassel, Mar 9, 2007 Lecturer: Rolf Rabenseifner - at Uni. Kassel, Mar 9, 2007
Course C
Location Großer Seminarraum, HLRS (Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart), Universität Stuttgart, Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart
Date 2010, Monday Mar. 22, 8:30 - Friday Mar. 26, 15:30
Content Iterative Linear Solvers and Parallelization
Abstract The focus is on iterative and parallel solvers, the parallel programming models MPI and OpenMP, and the parallel middleware PETSc. Thereby, different modern Krylov Subspace Methods (CG, GMRES, BiCGSTAB ...) as well as highly efficient preconditioning techniques are presented in the context of real life applications. Hands-on sessions (in C and Fortran) will allow users to immediately test and understand the basic constructs of iterative solvers, the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the shared memory directives of OpenMP. This course is organized by HLRS, IAG, and Uni. Kassel.
Agenda see link to detailed program
Language German
Teachers Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister from Uni. Kassel, Prof. Dr. Bernd Fischer from Uni. Lübeck, and Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner, Uwe Küster, from HLRS
Registration via online registration form
Deadline for registration is Mar. 7, 2010 (extended deadline)
Fee Students without Diploma: 30 EUR
Students with Diploma (PhD students) at German universities: 60 EUR
Members of German universities and public research institutes: 60 EUR
others: 300 EUR
(includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)
Prerequisites Monday+Thursday: Basics of linear algebra
Tuesday-Friday: Unix / C or Fortran
Flyer Not yet available
See HLRS-travel-info. The next railway stations are: "Universität, Stuttgart" (S-Bahn station, 15 min on foot) and "Lauchhau, Stuttgart" (Bus station, 4 min on foot to HLRS, bus lines 84, 92, 746, 747, 748, but not 82! from S-Bahn station "Universität, Stuttgart" and bus line 81 from S-Bahn station "Stuttgart-Vaihingen").
Accomodation: see also additional hotel list and HLRS-travel-info. Private Bed&Breakfast is also available (might be cheaper than the hotels), see, e.g., A youth hostel is also available.
See also campus map (HLRS, see Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart on the map), or HLRS, Allmandring 30, nearby crossroads Allmandring x Nobelstr., at coordinates 25.G on Stuttgart city map HLRS and University Campus or HLRS and Stuttgart-Vaihingen (or you can use Online-Stadtplan des Stadtmessungsamtes Stuttgart or
Local Organizer Rolf Rabenseifner phone 0711 685 65530,
Pictures from 2007C Lecturer: Andreas Meister - at HLRS, Mar 12, 2007 Lecturer: Andreas Meister - at HLRS, Mar 12, 2007 Practical with Andreas Meister - at HLRS, Mar 12, 2007 while lecture - at HLRS, Mar 15, 2007
Course D
Location Großer Seminarraum, HLRS (Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart), Universität Stuttgart, Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart
Date 2010, Monday Mar. 29, 9:00 - Tuesday Mar. 30, 17:30
Content Platforms at HLRS, Usage and Programming
Abstract The course will focus on the major platforms at HLRS:
  • NEC LX-2400 (Nehalem Cluster, 62 TFlop/s, 5600 cores)
  • IBM bwGrid Cluster (46 TFlop/s)
  • NEC SX-9 (19 TFlop/s, 192 vector processor cores)
  • Cray XT5m (8.5 TFlop/s, 892 cores)
  • CUSS (Common Ulm Stuttgart Server)
Agenda Monday, March 29, 2010

Overview on HLRS Platforms -- Access, Usage and Programming

9:00 Introduction (R. Rabenseifner, HLRS)
9:15 Platforms at HLRS (Th. Beisel, HLRS)
              Hardware overview on
              NEC SX-9, Nehalem-Cluster, bwGRID Cluster, Cray XT5
9:45 Access to the Platforms at HLRS (Th. Bönisch, HLRS)
10:00 Coffee
10:30 Preparation for grid usage on bwGrid resources (talk) (J. Buchholz, HLRS)
              (includes remarks on gsissh)
11:00 Cray XT5 - Usage and Programming (Chr. Niethammer, HLRS)
11:40 Coffee
12:00 bwGrid - Usage and Programming (Martin Hecht, HLRS)
              (includes also remarks on Cell and GPU)
12:45 Lunch
13:45 NEC Nehalem Cluster - Usage and Programming (H. Berger, St. Haberhauer, NEC)
              (includes also remarks on NVIDIA/Tesla)
14:30 Coffee
15:00 NEC SX-9 at HLRS - Usage and Programming (H. Berger, NEC)
15:30 Filesystems and HPSS at HLRS (Th. Bönisch, HLRS)
16:00 Coffee
16:20 ISV-Codes and Licenses at HLRS (M. Bernreuther, HLRS)
16:50 Basics on Vectorization (S. Haberhauer, NEC)
17:20 Guided tour (H. Berger, NEC; Th. Beisel, HLRS)
18:15 End

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

NEC SX-9, Vectorization and Programming

9:00 Vectorization and optimization examples (S. Haberhauer, NEC)
10:00 Practical (S. Haberhauer, NEC)
10:30 Coffee
10:45 Differences of NEC SX-8 and SX-9 (S. Haberhauer, NEC)
11:45 Coffee
12:00 Most important compiler switches F90/C++,
              how to use OpenMP and MPI on SX (S. Haberhauer, NEC)
12:45 Lunch
13:45 Filesystems, file import/export, parallel I/O on NEC SX-9 (H. Berger, NEC)
14:15 Indirect addressing, General Strategy for Code Tuning (S.Haberhauer, NEC)
              Part I (15 min)
14:30 Coffee
14:45 Indirect addressing, General Strategy for Code Tuning (S.Haberhauer, NEC)
              Part II (75 min)
16:00 Coffee
16:15 Practical (S. Haberhauer, NEC)
17:30 End
Language German
Teachers Thomas Beisel, Katharina Benkert, Jochen Buchholz, Thomas Boenisch, Christoph Niethammer, Martin Bernreuther, Martin Hecht from HLRS, and Stefan Haberhauer, Holger Berger from NEC
Registration via online registration form
Deadline for registration is Mar. 25, 2009 (extended deadline)
Fee Members of German universities and public research institutes: none,
others: 150 EUR (includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)
Prerequisites Programming experience, and partially MPI-1
See HLRS-travel-info. The next railway stations are: "Universität, Stuttgart" (S-Bahn station, 15 min on foot) and "Lauchhau, Stuttgart" (Bus station, 4 min on foot to HLRS, bus lines 84, 92, 746, 747, 748, but not 82! from S-Bahn station "Universität, Stuttgart" and bus line 81 from S-Bahn station "Stuttgart-Vaihingen").
Accomodation: see also additional hotel list and HLRS-travel-info. Private Bed&Breakfast is also available (might be cheaper than the hotels), see, e.g., A youth hostel is also available.
See also campus map (HLRS, see Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart on the map), or HLRS, Allmandring 30, nearby crossroads Allmandring x Nobelstr., at coordinates 25.G on Stuttgart city map HLRS and University Campus or HLRS and Stuttgart-Vaihingen (or you can use Online-Stadtplan des Stadtmessungsamtes Stuttgart or
Local Organizer Rolf Rabenseifner phone 0711 685 65530,
Course UPC/CAF (1)
Location Großer Seminarraum (big seminar-room), HLRS (Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart), Universität Stuttgart, Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart
Date 2010, Tuesday, May 18, 8:30 - Wednesday May 19, 15:30
Content Introduction to Unified Parallel C (UPC) and Co-array Fortran (CAF)
Abstract Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) is a new model for parallel programming. Unified Parallel C (UPC) and Co-array Fortran (CAF) are PGAS extensions to C and Fortran. UPC and CAF are language extensions to C and Fortran. Parallelism is part of the language. PGAS languages allow any processor to directly address memory/data on any other processors. Parallelism can be expressed more easily compared to library based approaches as MPI. This course gives an introduction to this novel approach of expressing parallelism. Hands-on sessions (in UPC and/or CAF) will allow users to immediately test and understand the basic constructs of PGAS languages.
Agenda First day:
08:30 Registration
09:00-13:00 Lectures and exercises
14:00-17:00 Lectures and exercises
Second day:
09:00-13:00 Lectures and exercises
14:00-15:30 Lectures and exercises
Language German
Teacher Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner from HLRS
Registration via online registration form
Deadline for registration is May 9, 2010
Fee Members of German universities and public research institutes: none,
others: 300 EUR (includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)
Prerequisites Programming experience in Fortran or C, some knowledge about parallel programming
Links Additional information can be found, e.g., at
PGAS (wiki), CAF (wiki), UPC (wiki), UPC Community website, UPC at Berkley
See HLRS-travel-info. The next railway stations are: "Universität, Stuttgart" (S-Bahn station, 15 min on foot) and "Lauchhau, Stuttgart" (Bus station, 4 min on foot to HLRS, bus lines 84, 92, 746, 747, 748, but not 82! from S-Bahn station "Universität, Stuttgart" and bus line 81 from S-Bahn station "Stuttgart-Vaihingen").
Accomodation: see also additional hotel list and HLRS-travel-info. Private Bed&Breakfast is also available (might be cheaper than the hotels), see, e.g., A youth hostel is also available.
See also campus map (HLRS, see Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart on the map), or HLRS, Allmandring 30, nearby crossroads Allmandring x Nobelstr., at coordinates 25.G on Stuttgart city map HLRS and University Campus or HLRS and Stuttgart-Vaihingen (or you can use Online-Stadtplan des Stadtmessungsamtes Stuttgart or
Local Organizer Rolf Rabenseifner phone 0711 685 65530,
Pictures from 2009UPC2 while exercises - at HLRS, Oct 19, 2009 while exercises - at HLRS, Oct 19, 2009 while exercises - at HLRS, Oct 19, 2009
Course CUDA
Location Großer Seminarraum (big seminar-room), HLRS (Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart), Universität Stuttgart, Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart
Date 2010, Tuesday, June 22, 8:30 - 18:00
Content GPU Programming using CUDA
Abstract The course provides an introduction to the programming language CUDA which is used to write fast numeric algorithms for NVIDIA graphics processors (GPUs). Focus is on the basic usage of the language, the exploitation of the most important features of the device (massive parallel computation, shared memory, texture memory) and efficient usage of the hardware to maximize performance. An overview of the available development tools and the advanced features of the language is given.
Agenda 08:30   Registration
09:00   Basics
09:45   Exercise (vector addition)
10:15   Coffee Break
10:30   Performance Optimization I
11:00   Exercise (coalesced accesses)
11:30   Coffee Break
11:45   Shared Memory
12:10   Exercise (Scalar Product)
12:45   Lunch Break
13:35   Texture Memory
14:00   Exercise (Heat 2D)
14:35   Coffee Break
14:50   Performance Optimization II
15:20   Exercise (Dense Matrix Multiplication)
16:05   Coffee Break
16:20   Debugging and Profiling
16:40   Exercise (CUDA-GDB and Visual Profiler)
17:00   Advanced Features
17:30   Exercise (Advanced Features)
18:00   End
Language German
Teacher Dr. Oliver Mangold from HLRS
Registration Registration is closed (because the course is full).
There is an additional CUDA course on July 12-13, 2010 with nearly same content.
To get early informations about future courses, you may register to our e-mail list also via the online registration form
Deadline for registration is May 31, 2010
Fee Members of German universities and public research institutes: none,
others: 300 EUR (includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)
Prerequisites Programming experience in C, some knowledge about parallel programming
Links Additional information can be found, e.g., at
CUDA (wiki)
See HLRS-travel-info. The next railway stations are: "Universität, Stuttgart" (S-Bahn station, 15 min on foot) and "Lauchhau, Stuttgart" (Bus station, 4 min on foot to HLRS, bus lines 84, 92, 746, 747, 748, but not 82! from S-Bahn station "Universität, Stuttgart" and bus line 81 from S-Bahn station "Stuttgart-Vaihingen").
Accomodation: see also additional hotel list and HLRS-travel-info. Private Bed&Breakfast is also available (might be cheaper than the hotels), see, e.g., A youth hostel is also available.
See also campus map (HLRS, see Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart on the map), or HLRS, Allmandring 30, nearby crossroads Allmandring x Nobelstr., at coordinates 25.G on Stuttgart city map HLRS and University Campus or HLRS and Stuttgart-Vaihingen (or you can use Online-Stadtplan des Stadtmessungsamtes Stuttgart or
Local Organizer Rolf Rabenseifner phone 0711 685 65530,
Course CUDA(2)
Location Großer Seminarraum (big seminar-room), HLRS (Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart), Universität Stuttgart, Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart
Date 2010, Monday, July 12, 9:30 - Tuesday, July 13, 15:30
Content GPU Programming using CUDA
Abstract The course provides an introduction to the programming language CUDA which is used to write fast numeric algorithms for NVIDIA graphics processors (GPUs). Focus is on the basic usage of the language, the exploitation of the most important features of the device (massive parallel computation, shared memory, texture memory) and efficient usage of the hardware to maximize performance. An overview of the available development tools and the advanced features of the language is given.
Agenda Monday: 9:30-10:00 local registration, 10:00 - 17:30 course
Tuesday: 9:00 - 15:30 course
Language German
Teacher Dr. Oliver Mangold from HLRS
Registration Registration is closed (because the course is full).
To get early informations about future courses, you may register to our e-mail list also via the online registration form
Deadline for registration is June 13, 2010
Fee Members of German universities and public research institutes: none,
others: 300 EUR (includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)
Prerequisites Programming experience in C, some knowledge about parallel programming
Links Additional information can be found, e.g., at
CUDA (wiki)
See HLRS-travel-info. The next railway stations are: "Universität, Stuttgart" (S-Bahn station, 15 min on foot) and "Lauchhau, Stuttgart" (Bus station, 4 min on foot to HLRS, bus lines 84, 92, 746, 747, 748, but not 82! from S-Bahn station "Universität, Stuttgart" and bus line 81 from S-Bahn station "Stuttgart-Vaihingen").
Accomodation: see also additional hotel list and HLRS-travel-info. Private Bed&Breakfast is also available (might be cheaper than the hotels), see, e.g., A youth hostel is also available.
See also campus map (HLRS, see Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart on the map), or HLRS, Allmandring 30, nearby crossroads Allmandring x Nobelstr., at coordinates 25.G on Stuttgart city map HLRS and University Campus or HLRS and Stuttgart-Vaihingen (or you can use Online-Stadtplan des Stadtmessungsamtes Stuttgart or
Local Organizer Rolf Rabenseifner phone 0711 685 65530,
Course TUHH Location TU Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH), Rechenzentrum, Gebäude E, 2. Etage, Room E2-024-P3c (Pool 3c), Schwarzenbergstr. 95, D-21073 Hamburg
Date 2010, Wednesday July 21, 9:00 - Friday July 23, 16:30
Content MPI and OpenMP (70% for beginners, 30% advanced)
Abstract The focus is on programming models MPI, OpenMP, and PETSc. Hands-on sessions (in C and Fortran) will allow users to immediately test and understand the basic constructs of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the shared memory directives of OpenMP. This course is organized by TUHH in collaboration with HLRS.
Agenda see link to detailed program and official course page at TUHH
Language German
Teacher Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner, from HLRS
Registration Registration is closed. (Deadline is over and course is full)
Registrations are accepted based on the following priority rule (highest to lowest):
TUHH, Uni. Hamburg, states belonging to HLR-Nord, other states of Germany.
A final accept/recect e-mail will be sent after the end of the registration deadline.
To get early informations about future courses, you may register to our e-mail list also via the online registration form
Deadline for registration is June 20, 2010
Fee Members of German universities and public research institutes: none,
others: 300 EUR (includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)
Prerequisites Unix / C or Fortran
TUHH-RZ and building E (purple) on the campus map
Accomodation: see hotel information on the web page of the former HLRN-FB-Meeting
Local Organizer Siegfried Neubert, phone 040-42878-3284
See also TUHH course page.
Course CSCS
Location CSCS, Galleria 2, Via Cantonale, CH-6928 Manno (near Lugano) -> CSCS Finding us and CSCS Visitor information,
Date 2010, Tuesday Aug. 10, 8:30 - Thursday Aug. 12, 16:30
Content MPI and OpenMP (70% for beginners, 30% advanced)
Abstract The focus is on programming models MPI, OpenMP, and PETSc. Hands-on sessions (in C and Fortran) will allow users to immediately test and understand the basic constructs of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the shared memory directives of OpenMP. This course is organized by CSCS in collaboration with HLRS.
Agenda see link to Official Course-Page and detailed program
Language English
Teachers Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner, from HLRS, and Neil Stringfellow from CSCS
Registration via Official Course-Page
Deadline for registration is Jul. 11, 2010
Fee Employees/students from Swiss educational institutions: CHF 150;
Employees/students from non-Swiss educational institutions: CHF 150;
Employees from industry: CHF 1500.
A bill will be sent for the registration fee prior to the course if applicable.
Prerequisites Unix / C or Fortran
Manno (CH)
see Official Course-Page at CSCS and CSCS Finding us and CSCS Visitor information, or CSCS -> About us -> Visitor information
Local Organizer Ladina Gilly
Pictures from 2007CSCS while practicals - at CSCS, Aug 8, 2007 while practicals - at CSCS, Aug 8, 2007 while practicals - at CSCS, Aug 8, 2007
Course E

Location German Research School for Simulation Sciences (GRS), RWTH Aachen, Room 001, Schinkelstr. 2a, 52062 Aachen
Date 2010, Monday Sep. 6, 10:00 - Friday Sep. 10, 14:40
Content Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
Abstract The course deals with current numerical methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics. The emphasis is placed on explicit finite volume methods for the compressible Euler equations. Moreover outlooks on implicit methods, the extension to the Navier-Stokes equations and turbulence modelling are given. Additional topics are classical numerical methods for the solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, Aeracoustics and high order numerical methods for the solution of systems of partial differential equations. The last day is dedicated to parallelization of explicit and implicit solvers.
Hands-on sessions will manifest the contents of the lectures. The emphasis of these session is put on the application of CFD codes, especially on grid generation, visualization and the interpretation of results. Furthermore the implementation of algorithms presented in the lectures points up the general structure of CFD codes.
The course is developed by the HLRS, the Institute of Aerodynamics and Gasdynamics (IAG, University of Stuttgart), the University of Kassel, and the German Research School for Simulation Sciences (GRS, RWTH Aachen). It is based on the course "Numerical Gasdynamics" held at the IAG which has been awarded the "Landeslehrpreis (prize for excellence in teaching) Baden-Württemberg 2003" (held at Uni. Stuttgart, under auspices of the BMBF project NUSS, contract 08NM227). The course is organized by GRS, RWTH Aachen.
Agenda see link to detailed program (preliminary agenda)
Language German
Teachers Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Roller (GRS), Dr. Jörg Bernsdorf (GRS), Daniel Harlacher (GRS), Dr. Philipp Birken (Uni. Kassel), Dr. Albert Ruprecht (IHS), Andreas Stock (IAG), Andrea Beck (IAG), Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister (Uni. Kassel), and Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner (HLRS).
Registration Registration is closed (because the course is full).
To get early informations about future courses, you may register to our e-mail list also via the online registration form
Deadline for registration is Aug. 8, 2010
Fee Students without Diploma: 30 EUR
Students with Diploma (PhD students) at German universities: 60 EUR
Members of German universities and public research institutes: 60 EUR
others: 300 EUR
(includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)
Prerequisites Basics of partial differential equations and physics, programming experience in Fortran or C
Flyer Not yet available
Travel-Info see Location and Travel Info of the German Research School for Simulation Sciences.
Here you can also find a list of hotels nearby and the Travel Info of the Computer Center which is also located nearby.
Local Organizer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Roller
Pictures from 2007G (CFD) Lecturers: Sabine Roller and Mark Haas - at HLRS, Oct 15, 2007 while practicals - at HLRS, Oct 16, 2007 while practicals - at HLRS, Oct 16, 2007 while practicals - at HLRS, Oct 16, 2007 while practicals - at HLRS, Oct 16, 2007 while practicals - at HLRS, Oct 16, 2007 while practicals - at HLRS, Oct 16, 2007 Lecturer: Claus-Dieter Munz - at HLRS, Oct 17, 2007 Lecturer: Sabine Roller and Andreas Meister - at HLRS, Oct 19, 2007
Course F-a
Location Großer Seminarraum, HLRS (Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart), Universität Stuttgart, Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart
Date 2010, Monday Sep. 27, 8:30 - Tuesday Sep. 28, 17:30
Content Distributed memory parallelization with the Message Passing Interface MPI (for beginners)
Abstract On clusters and distributed memory architectures, parallel programming with the Message Passing Interface (MPI) is the dominating programming model. The course gives an full introduction into MPI-1. Further aspects are domain decomposition, load balancing, and debugging. An MPI-2 overview and the MPI-2 one-sided communication is also taught. Hands-on sessions (in C and Fortran) will allow users to immediately test and understand the basic constructs of the Message Passing Interface (MPI). Course language is ENGLISH. This course is the first part (MPI for beginners) of a 5-day course program and may be booked together with the other parts F-b (OpenMP) and F-c (advanced topics).
Agenda see link to detailed program Course F-a or Monday+Tuesday in the total program Course F-a+b+c
Language English
Teachers Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner, et al.
Registration Registration is closed (because the course is full).
To get early informations about future courses, you may register to our e-mail list also via the online registration form
Deadline for registration is Aug. 29, 2010
Fee Members of German universities and public research institutes: none,
others: 300 EUR (includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)
Prerequisites Unix / C or Fortran
Flyer Not yet available
See HLRS-travel-info. The next railway stations are: "Universität, Stuttgart" (S-Bahn station, 15 min on foot) and "Lauchhau, Stuttgart" (Bus station, 4 min on foot to HLRS, bus lines 84, 92, 746, 747, 748, but not 82! from S-Bahn station "Universität, Stuttgart" and bus line 81 from S-Bahn station "Stuttgart-Vaihingen").
Accomodation: see also additional hotel list and HLRS-travel-info. Private Bed&Breakfast is also available (might be cheaper than the hotels), see, e.g., A youth hostel is also available.
See also campus map (HLRS, see Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart on the map), or HLRS, Allmandring 30, nearby crossroads Allmandring x Nobelstr., at coordinates 25.G on Stuttgart city map HLRS and University Campus or HLRS and Stuttgart-Vaihingen (or you can use Online-Stadtplan des Stadtmessungsamtes Stuttgart or
Local Organizer Rolf Rabenseifner phone 0711 685 65530,
Course F-b
Location Großer Seminarraum, HLRS (Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart), Universität Stuttgart, Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart
Date 2010, Wednesday Sep. 29, 8:30 - 17:30 (registration opens at 8:15)
Content Shared memory parallelization with OpenMP (for beginners)
Abstract The focus is on shared memory parallelization with OpenMP, the key concept on hyper-threading, dual-core, multi-core, shared memory, and ccNUMA platforms. This course teaches shared memory OpenMP parallelization. Hands-on sessions (in C and Fortran) will allow users to immediately test and understand the directives and other interfaces of OpenMP. Tools for performance tuning and debugging are presented. Course language is ENGLISH. This course is the second part (OpenMP for beginners) of a 5-day course program and may be booked together with the other parts F-a (MPI for beginners) and F-c (advanced topics).
Agenda see link to detailed program Course F-b or Wednesday in the total program Course F-a+b+c
Language English
Teachers Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner
Registration Registration is closed (because the course is full).
To get early informations about future courses, you may register to our e-mail list also via the online registration form
Deadline for registration is Aug. 29, 2010
Fee Members of German universities and public research institutes: none,
others: Included in fee of 2010-F-a, if booked together with 2010-F-a, otherwise: 300 EUR (includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of your course, cash only)
Prerequisites Unix / C or Fortran
Flyer Not yet available
See HLRS-travel-info. The next railway stations are: "Universität, Stuttgart" (S-Bahn station, 15 min on foot) and "Lauchhau, Stuttgart" (Bus station, 4 min on foot to HLRS, bus lines 84, 92, 746, 747, 748, but not 82! from S-Bahn station "Universität, Stuttgart" and bus line 81 from S-Bahn station "Stuttgart-Vaihingen").
Accomodation: see also additional hotel list and HLRS-travel-info. Private Bed&Breakfast is also available (might be cheaper than the hotels), see, e.g., A youth hostel is also available.
See also campus map (HLRS, see Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart on the map), or HLRS, Allmandring 30, nearby crossroads Allmandring x Nobelstr., at coordinates 25.G on Stuttgart city map HLRS and University Campus or HLRS and Stuttgart-Vaihingen (or you can use Online-Stadtplan des Stadtmessungsamtes Stuttgart or
Local Organizer Rolf Rabenseifner phone 0711 685 65530,
Course F-c
Location Großer Seminarraum, HLRS (Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart), Universität Stuttgart, Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart
Date 2010, Thursday Sep. 30, 8:30 - Friday Oct. 1, 16:30 (registration opens at 8:15)
Content Advanced topics in parallel programming
Abstract Topics are MPI-2 parallel file I/O, hybrid mixed model MPI+OpenMP parallelization, OpenMP on clusters, parallelization of explicit and implicit solvers and of particle based applications, parallel numerics and libraries, and parallelization with PETSc. Hands-on sessions are included. Course language is ENGLISH. This course is the third part (advanced topics) of a 5-day course program and may be booked together with the other parts F-a (MPI for beginners) and F-b (OpenMP for beginners).
Agenda see link to detailed program Course F-c or Thursday+Friday in the total program Course F-a+b+c
Language English
Teachers Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner, Uwe Küster, Shiqing Fan, Katharina Benkert, Uwe Wössner
Registration Registration is closed (because the course is full).
To get early informations about future courses, you may register to our e-mail list also via the online registration form
Deadline for registration is Aug. 29, 2010
Fee Members of German universities and public research institutes: none,
others: Included in fee of 2010-F-a or F-b, if booked together with 2010-F-a or F-b, otherwise: 300 EUR (includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of your course, cash only)
Prerequisites Unix / C or Fortran
Flyer Not yet available
See HLRS-travel-info. The next railway stations are: "Universität, Stuttgart" (S-Bahn station, 15 min on foot) and "Lauchhau, Stuttgart" (Bus station, 4 min on foot to HLRS, bus lines 84, 92, 746, 747, 748, but not 82! from S-Bahn station "Universität, Stuttgart" and bus line 81 from S-Bahn station "Stuttgart-Vaihingen").
Accomodation: see also additional hotel list and HLRS-travel-info. Private Bed&Breakfast is also available (might be cheaper than the hotels), see, e.g., A youth hostel is also available.
See also campus map (HLRS, see Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart on the map), or HLRS, Allmandring 30, nearby crossroads Allmandring x Nobelstr., at coordinates 25.G on Stuttgart city map HLRS and University Campus or HLRS and Stuttgart-Vaihingen (or you can use Online-Stadtplan des Stadtmessungsamtes Stuttgart or
Local Organizer Rolf Rabenseifner phone 0711 685 65530,
Pictures from 2007F (a-c) Lecturer: Rolf Rabenseifner - at HLRS, Oct 11, 2007 while practicals - at HLRS, Oct 11, 2007 while practicals - at HLRS, Oct 11, 2007 while practicals - at HLRS, Oct 11, 2007 while practicals - at HLRS, Oct 11, 2007 while practicals - at HLRS, Oct 11, 2007 Lecturer: Sunil Tiyyagura - at HLRS, Oct 11, 2007
Course G
Location LRZ (Leibniz-Rechenzentrum), Neues LRZ Gebäude in Garching, Boltzmannstrasse 1, 85748 Garching
Date 2010, Monday Oct. 4, 8:30 - Friday Oct. 8, 15:30
Content Iterative Linear Solvers and Parallelization
Abstract The focus is on iterative and parallel solvers, the parallel programming models MPI and OpenMP, and the parallel middleware PETSc. Thereby, different modern Krylov Subspace Methods (CG, GMRES, BiCGSTAB ...) as well as highly efficient preconditioning techniques are presented in the context of real life applications. Hands-on sessions (in C and Fortran) will allow users to immediately test and understand the basic constructs of iterative solvers, the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the shared memory directives of OpenMP. This course is organized by Uni. Kassel, HLRS, and IAG.
Agenda see link to detailed program and official course page at LRZ
Language German
Teachers Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister from Uni. Kassel, Prof. Dr. Bernd Fischer from Uni. Lübeck, and Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner from HLRS
Registration Registration is closed (because the course is full).
To get early informations about future courses, you may register to our e-mail list also via the online registration form
Deadline for registration is Sep. 5, 2010
Fee Students without Diploma: 30 EUR
Students with Diploma (PhD students) at German universities: 60 EUR
Members of German universities and public research institutes: 60 EUR
others: 300 EUR
(includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)
Prerequisites Wednesday+Thursday+Friday: Basics of linear algebra
Monday+Tuesday+Friday: Unix / C or Fortran
Flyer Not yet available
CAUTION: This year, this course will start on the last day of the famous Munich "Oktoberfest". This last day is an exceptional additional day due to the 200th anniversary. Therefore, please book your hotel as soon as possible !!!!!!!
The course will be in the new building in Garching, see LRZ-travel-info. Hotels siehe hier. Bitte direkt beim Hotel frühzeitig buchen (wegen gleichzeitiger Messen in München).
Local Organizer Matthias Brehm, phone 089 35831 8773,
Pictures from 2007E while practicals - at LRZ, Sep 17, 2007 while practicals - at LRZ, Sep 17, 2007 Lecturer: Rolf Rabenseifner - at LRZ, Sep 18, 2007 Lecturer: Andreas Meister - at LRZ, Sep 19, 2007 Lecturer: Bernd Fischer - at LRZ, Sep 20, 2007
Course Fortran (2)
Location Großer Seminarraum (big seminar-room), HLRS (Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart), Universität Stuttgart, Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart
Date 2010, Monday Oct. 25, 9:00 - Friday Oct. 29, 16:00
Course: Mon.-Thu. 9:00 - 17:00, Fri. 9:00 - 16:00
Local registration: On Monday 8:30 - 9:00
Content Fortran for Scientific Computing
Abstract This course is dedicated for scientists and students to learn (sequential) programming with Fortran of scientific applications. The course teaches newest Fortran standards. The beginners part is based on the RRZN handbook "Fortran 95". Hands-on sessions will allow users to immediately test and understand the language constructs. This workshop provides scientific training in Computational Science, and in addition, the scientific exchange of the participants among themselves.
Agenda On Monday, the course starts with an introduction into programming with Fortran with small programming exercises that should help starting with programming. For more experienced participants, advanced exercises will be provided. Tuesday to Thursday, all major Fortran 95 methods are presented and tested in exercises. Performance issues are discussed. On Friday, Fortran development tools, an outlook to Fortran 2003 and further exercises are rounding up this course. The final agenda will be provided in the course.
Language German
Teacher Uwe Küster, Ralf Schneider from HLRS
Registration via online registration form.
Deadline for registration is Sep. 26, 2010
Fee Members of German universities and public research institutes: none,
others: 300 EUR (includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)
Prerequisites Familiarity with Linux and Linux editors is recommended.
Basic mathematics (integration and differentiation).
Literature and textbooks The RRZN Handbook "Fortran 95" is sold at the course (or by RUS): 10 Euro. Participants will also receive a free copy of the slides.
See HLRS-travel-info. The next railway stations are: "Universität, Stuttgart" (S-Bahn station, 15 min on foot) and "Lauchhau, Stuttgart" (Bus station, 4 min on foot to HLRS, bus lines 84, 92, 746, 747, 748, but not 82! from S-Bahn station "Universität, Stuttgart" and bus line 81 from S-Bahn station "Stuttgart-Vaihingen").
Accomodation: see also additional hotel list and HLRS-travel-info. Private Bed&Breakfast is also available (might be cheaper than the hotels), see, e.g., A youth hostel is also available.
See also campus map (HLRS, see Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart on the map), or HLRS, Allmandring 30, nearby crossroads Allmandring x Nobelstr., at coordinates 25.G on Stuttgart city map HLRS and University Campus or HLRS and Stuttgart-Vaihingen (or you can use Online-Stadtplan des Stadtmessungsamtes Stuttgart or
Local Organizer Rolf Rabenseifner phone 0711 685 65530,
Pictures from 2007FTN (Feb.) Lecturer: Uwe Küster Lecturer: Uwe Küster
Course H
Location JSC, Forschungszentrum Jülich, entrance E1 of JSC, D-52425 Jülich
Date 2010, Monday Nov. 29, 9:00 - Wednesday Dec. 1, 16:30
Content MPI and OpenMP (70% for beginners, 30% advanced)
Abstract The focus is on programming models MPI, OpenMP, and PETSc. Hands-on sessions (in C and Fortran) will allow users to immediately test and understand the basic constructs of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the shared memory directives of OpenMP. This course is organized by JSC in collaboration with HLRS.
Agenda see link to detailed program
Language German
Teacher Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner, from HLRS
Registration Registration is closed (because the course is full).
You may choose another course in 2011, e.g., a 4 day course in Dresden with an additional focus on parallel tools, or a 5 day course in Stuttgart with an additional focus on iterative solvers.
Deadline for registration is Oct. 31, 2010
Fee Members of German universities and public research institutes: none,
others: 300 EUR (includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)
Prerequisites Unix / C or Fortran
Social Events Am ersten Abend planen wir ein gemeinsames Abendessen (im Pinocchio, Kleine Kölnstr.).
Am zweiten Abend können wir noch kurz den Jülicher Weihnachtsmarkt besuchen. Anschließend gehts zur imposanten Jüicher Zitadelle, bevor wir im "Liebevoll" im Jüicher Stadthotel einkehren.
Die Social Events sind auf Selbstkostenbasis, also nicht in eventuellen Kursgebüren enthalten.
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie daran teilnehmen möchten.
How to get to the Forschungszentrum Jülich and then, how to get to the JSC. The next railway station is named "Jülich Forschungszentrum". [Bitte fragen Sie den Zugführer, dass er die Fahrbereitschaft des Forschungszentrums verständigt. Dann werden Sie in "Jülich Süd" abgeholt. Pass oder Personalausweis sind an der Pforte erforderlich.]
Accomodation: Official hotel list of Jülich, a bus shuttle will be organized between JSC and Stadhotel Jülich (if you book at the Stadthotel, you should mention that you book for a course at JSC, Forschungszentrum Jülich) in the evening and morning, other destinations on inquiry at local organizer. To find your hotel, you can use
Local Organizer Marc-Andre Hermanns, phone 02461 61 2054,
Pictures from 2007H Lecturer: Rolf Rabenseifner - at JSC, Nov 28, 2007 while practicals - at JSC, Nov 27, 2007 while practicals - at JSC, Nov 27, 2007 after a hard day, relaxation at Juelich Christmas Market  - at JSC, Nov 26, 2007
Course UPC/CAF (2)
Location Großer Seminarraum (big seminar-room), HLRS (Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart), Universität Stuttgart, Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart
Date 2010, Tuesday, Dec. 14, 8:30 - Wednesday, Dec. 15, 15:30
Content Introduction to Unified Parallel C (UPC) and Co-array Fortran (CAF)
Abstract Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) is a new model for parallel programming. Unified Parallel C (UPC) and Co-array Fortran (CAF) are PGAS extensions to C and Fortran. UPC and CAF are language extensions to C and Fortran. Parallelism is part of the language. PGAS languages allow any processor to directly address memory/data on any other processors. Parallelism can be expressed more easily compared to library based approaches as MPI. This course gives an introduction to this novel approach of expressing parallelism. Hands-on sessions (in UPC and/or CAF) will allow users to immediately test and understand the basic constructs of PGAS languages. (This course has the same content as the course in spring.)
Agenda First day:
08:30 Registration
09:00-13:00 Lectures and exercises
14:00-17:00 Lectures and exercises
Second day:
09:00-13:00 Lectures and exercises
14:00-15:30 Lectures and exercises
Language German
Teacher Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner from HLRS
Registration via online registration form
Deadline for registration is Nov. 28, 2010 (extended deadline)
Fee Members of German universities and public research institutes: none,
others: 300 EUR (includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)
Prerequisites Programming experience in Fortran or C, some knowledge about parallel programming
Links Additional information can be found, e.g., at
PGAS (wiki), CAF (wiki), UPC (wiki), UPC Community website, UPC at Berkley
See HLRS-travel-info. The next railway stations are: "Universität, Stuttgart" (S-Bahn station, 15 min on foot) and "Lauchhau, Stuttgart" (Bus station, 4 min on foot to HLRS, bus lines 84, 92, 746, 747, 748, but not 82! from S-Bahn station "Universität, Stuttgart" and bus line 81 from S-Bahn station "Stuttgart-Vaihingen").
Accomodation: see also additional hotel list and HLRS-travel-info. Private Bed&Breakfast is also available (might be cheaper than the hotels), see, e.g., A youth hostel is also available.
See also campus map (HLRS, see Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart on the map), or HLRS, Allmandring 30, nearby crossroads Allmandring x Nobelstr., at coordinates 25.G on Stuttgart city map HLRS and University Campus or HLRS and Stuttgart-Vaihingen (or you can use Online-Stadtplan des Stadtmessungsamtes Stuttgart or
Local Organizer Rolf Rabenseifner phone 0711 685 65530,
Pictures from 2009UPC2 while exercises - at HLRS, Oct 19, 2009 while exercises - at HLRS, Oct 19, 2009 while exercises - at HLRS, Oct 19, 2009
Course CUDA(3)
Location Großer Seminarraum (big seminar-room), HLRS (Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart), Universität Stuttgart, Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart
Date 2010, Thursday, December 16, 9:30 - Friday, December 17, 16:00
Content GPU Programming using CUDA
Abstract The course provides an introduction to the programming language CUDA which is used to write fast numeric algorithms for NVIDIA graphics processors (GPUs). Focus is on the basic usage of the language, the exploitation of the most important features of the device (massive parallel computation, shared memory, texture memory) and efficient usage of the hardware to maximize performance. An overview of the available development tools and the advanced features of the language is given.
Agenda 1st day:
09:30   Registration
10:00   Welcome & Overview
10:25   Basics I
10:55   Exercise (vector addition I)
11:15   Coffee Break
11:30   Basics II
12:00   Exercise (vector addition II)
12:25   Lunch Break
13:35   Performance Optimization I
14:15   Exercise (coalesced accesses)
15:05   Coffee Break
15:20   Shared Memory
15:45   Exercise (Scalar Product)
16:45   CoffeeBreak
16:55   Texture Memory
17:25   Discussion
17:45   End

2nd day:
09:00   Exercise (Heat 2D)
09:45   Performance Optimization II
10:20   Coffee Break
10:30   Exercise (Dense Matrix Multiplication)
11:40   Coffee Break
11:50   Debugging and Profiling
12:20   Exercise (CUDA-GDB and Visual Profiler)
13:00   Lunch Break
13:45   Advanced Features
14:35   Exercise (Advanced Features)
15:50   Wrap-Up
16:00   End
Language German
Teacher Dr. Oliver Mangold from HLRS
Registration Registration is closed (because the course is full).
The next available course is CUDA course, July 7-8, 2011.
Deadline for registration is Nov. 15, 2010
Fee Members of German universities and public research institutes: none,
others: 300 EUR (includes food and drink at coffee breaks, will be collected on the first day of the course, cash only)
Prerequisites Programming experience in C, some knowledge about parallel programming
Links Additional information can be found, e.g., at
CUDA (wiki)
See HLRS-travel-info. The next railway stations are: "Universität, Stuttgart" (S-Bahn station, 15 min on foot) and "Lauchhau, Stuttgart" (Bus station, 4 min on foot to HLRS, bus lines 84, 92, 746, 747, 748, but not 82! from S-Bahn station "Universität, Stuttgart" and bus line 81 from S-Bahn station "Stuttgart-Vaihingen").
Accomodation: see also additional hotel list and HLRS-travel-info. Private Bed&Breakfast is also available (might be cheaper than the hotels), see, e.g., A youth hostel is also available.
See also campus map (HLRS, see Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart on the map), or HLRS, Allmandring 30, nearby crossroads Allmandring x Nobelstr., at coordinates 25.G on Stuttgart city map HLRS and University Campus or HLRS and Stuttgart-Vaihingen (or you can use Online-Stadtplan des Stadtmessungsamtes Stuttgart or
Local Organizer Rolf Rabenseifner phone 0711 685 65530,
Cancelation policy If you cannot come to the course, please send an email to the organizer as soon as possible. This would allow us to accept additional participants from the waiting-list. There is no cancelation fee.
NO-SHOW: Registered persons that do not cancel and do not show up without any reasons are blocked for the next year on any of our workshops (because it is to expensive to produce unused copies of the slides for them).
Limit maximum of 42 participants in Stuttgart and Kassel, 35 in Dresden, Aachen and Manno, 34 in Garching, 26 in Jülich, 20 an der TUHH (according to the seats in the rooms).
Handouts Each participant will get a paper copy of all slides.
The MPI-1 part of the course is based on the MPI course developed by the EPCC Training and Education Centre, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre.
If you want, you may also buy copies of the standards MPI-2.2 (Hardcover, 17 Euro) and OpenMP 3.0 (about 8 Euro).
Most material of the course (including the audio information) can also be viewed in the ONLINE Parallel Programming Workshop.

Responsible for the courses and local organizer in Stuttgart:

Rolf Rabenseifner
Phone: 0711 685 65530

Local organizer in Dresden: Claudia Schmidt, phone 0351 463 39833,
Local organizer in Jülich: Marc-Andre Hermanns, phone 02461 61 2054,
Local organizer in Garching: Matthias Brehm, phone 089 35831 8773,
Local organizer in Kassel: Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister, phone 0561 804-4631
Local organizer in Manno: Ladina Gilly
Local organizer in Hamburg-Harburg: Siegfried Neubert, phone 040-42878-3284

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